The static modifier can be used for:

  1. variable

for example type: int

static int i = 5;

2. methods

for example void method

static void nameOfMethod () {


3. block


4.nested classes

for example class with default modifier

static class nameOfClass {


The static modifier will link the variable, method, block or nested class to its class. This means that you could call the variable/method/block/nested class (which is made static) from another class by only calling the class its name. So you don’t have to make a new object.

So, if you have 2 classes:

//normally do you create classes in different tabs, but you could also do them in one, this is just for the example.

package P;


class Class1 {

	PrintStream out;
	Class1() {
		out = new PrintStream(System.out);
	void start(){
	public static void main(String[] argv) {
		new Class1().start();

class Class2 {

	int i = 5;


This is an example when you use the static modifier for variables. But it will work the same for the others.

So normally you create an object:

Object objectName = new Object();

and then do you write:

Object objectName = new Object();
objectName.i = 5;

So you program looks like this:

package P;


class Class1 {

	PrintStream out;
	Class1() {
		out = new PrintStream(System.out);
	void start(){
		Class2 number = new Class2();
	public static void main(String[] argv) {
		new Class1().start();

class Class2 {

	int i = 5;

When you use the word static you don’t have to create a new object. You just have to implement in the void start():


Then you whole code looks like this:

package P;


class Class1 {

	PrintStream out;
	Class1() {
		out = new PrintStream(System.out);
	void start(){
	public static void main(String[] argv) {
		new Class1().start();

class Class2 {

	static int i = 5;
