Say we want to make a tree. Therefore, we create the object: Tree.

tree java

in Java code:

Tree blackTree = new Tree();

A tree has a length of 5 cm:

normal tree javaIf you cut a three in half. The two halfs got a length, the moment that they were split. One way to deal with it is: delete the old object

delete tree java

create two new ones:

tree java

There are many ways to achieve this RESULT, one is correct:

  1. make a method in which you can edit the height
    package ConstructorExplanation;
    public class Main {
    	void start () {
    		Tree upperHalf = new Tree();
    		Tree lowerHalf = new Tree();
    	public static void main(String[] args) {
    		new Main().start();
    package ConstructorExplanation;
    public class Tree {
    	double heightTree;
    	void addHeight (double inputHeight) {
    		heightTree = inputHeight;


  2. only make a variable height in the object class
    package ConstructorExplanation;
    public class Main {
    	void start () {
    		Tree upperHalf = new Tree();
    		Tree lowerHalf = new Tree();
    	public static void main(String[] args) {
    		new Main().start();
    package ConstructorExplanation;
    public class Tree {
    	double heightTree = 2.5;


  3. make a constructor, now you can directly give the tree a height when you create the object.
    package ConstructorExplanation;
    public class Main {
    	void start () {
    		Tree upperHalf = new Tree(2.5);
    		Tree lowerHalf = new Tree(2.5);
    	public static void main(String[] args) {
    		new Main().start();
    package ConstructorExplanation;
    public class Tree {
    	double heightTree;
    	Tree (double inputHeight) {
    		heightTree = inputHeight;

example summary

Point 3 is the best, in this case. Because at the moment you have cut the tree, the height of the two new objects is a fact, the moment you cut the tree.

  • It saves lines of code.
  • And height should be a variable as soon as possible
    • if you cut a three in half. The two halfs have a height the moment that they were split
    • Therefore, it should be a bit weird if you first create those objects without a height and after a while give them a height.